Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fall is Here!

Hello, readers! I missed posting last week because Hubby and I went out of town last weekend to visit Birmingham for the first time since we moved away. It was very fun but I'm happy to be spending this weekend at home on my couch :)

This week in Pre-K we covered:  Our Emotions/Feelings, the letter "N," the number 4, and the shape rhombus (NOT a "diamond!").

For our emotions, we read The Way I Feel, How Do Dinosaurs Say, "I'm Mad!", and The Selfish Crocodile. We talked a lot about our feelings and what kinds of things make us feel certain ways. We also talked about how we can change other people's feelings based on how we act! We also learned what to do when we feel mad. Instead of yelling or throwing things, we should count to 10 and take a deep breath. 

We made our cute little letter N is for Night crafts. I love how they turned out!
My neighbor donated this cute dress up clothes that she found at the dollar store. The kids have loved wearing them at the dramatic play center! Aren't they so stinkin' cute?!

I also got this sweet gift on Friday from one of my morning friends.

I LOVE these chocolates, and getting something like this on a random Friday makes me feel so happy. I'm so grateful to these parents who thought of me!

Next week we will talk about the number 5, the letter S, and circles. The theme is Our Bodies. Parent/Teacher conferences are on Friday, which means that I will have ALL 43 kiddos in my room from 8:10-12:10. If I'm being totally honest, I'm pretty terrified about that!! It will work out though :)

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